Our Causes - Benchmarking 401k Plan | Benchmark my Plan


Benchmark My Plan is proud to support the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF).

What does the WVRF do?

At Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF), we provide hope when times get tough for our disabled Veterans. We work to prevent homelessness and keep families together. We provide these critical needs for the men and women who have risked everything to protect our freedom.


“I am USMC combat vet and found myself in a difficult position. I couldn’t find work and had no place to live. WVRF helped move me into an apartment and provided temporary housing while I was looking for a job. These guys are the real deal, helping vets in need. If you are a Vet struggling or know someone who is, please reach out. These guys are doing the work needed to help our… Vets make the transition from Military to Civilian life.”
– Curtis